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MalAMail Malamute Postcards
Hudson's Malamutes - Send an Alaskan Malamute PostCard
Follow our easy, step-by-step instructions on this page.
NOTE: We DO NOT keep your or your recipient's email address
for any purposes other than to send the card you request.
After creating your card, you will be shown a
preview. At that point, either send the card,
change it, or just cancel it.
Your recipient will receive e-mail advising them where
to "pick up" their personal card.
All photographs © Jolene Houghtaling
STEP #1: Pick A Picture
Please select a picture from the list below using the little
Radio Button selector. You may only pick one picture
per card. If you want to see a full size image of a picture,
just click on it. You might want to do that before filling
in any information on this page, just so you do not risk losing
your work after returning from viewing the image.