Alaskan Malamute Assistance League (AMAL)
has links to local/regional rescue organizations
Alaskan Malamute Club of America
has links to regional clubs
Alaskan Malamute Club of Canada
Alaskan Malamute Club of Victoria (Australia)
Alaskan Malamute Club Österreich (Austria)
Alaskan Malamute Club of Belgium
Alaskan Malamute Club Czech Republic
Spitzdog Club (SPK) (Denmark)
Alaskan Malamute Club of Finland
Alaskan Malamute Club de France
German Nordic Breeds Club
Hungarian Nordic Breeds Club (SZÉKK)
Italian Club of Northern Breeds
Club Italiano Razze Nordiche SE.RA.M
Alaskan Malamute Club of Korea
Alaskan Malamute Club Nederland
Northern Alaskan Malamute Club (New Zealand)
Norsk Polarhundklubb (Norway)
Club Espańol De Perros Nordicos (Spain)
Svenska Rasklubben för Alaskan Malamute (Sweden)
Svenska Polarhundklubben (Swedish Club for Northern Breeds
Alaskan Malamute Club of the United Kingdom
Canine Good Citizenship
International Weight Pull Association (IWPA)
Weight Pull Training
Weight Pull FAQ - More Resources
Primer on Working the Alaskan Malamute
Alaskan Dream Dog Equipment - we use equipment from Alaskan Dream and couldn't be happier. They've got gear for weight pull, sledding, carting and more. They've worked their Alaskan Malamutes, Siberians and other breeds in harness since the early 90s. Terrific personal customer service.
Nordkyn Outfitters - gear for weight pull, skijoring, sledding, carting, packing and accessories. These folks have been working with their Alaskan Malamutes, in harness, under a pack, and in the show ring, since 1973
International Sled Dog Racing Association (ISDRA)
How to Train Sleddogs
from SeppalasSledDogs - indepth and extensive
Packing with your Malamute
Showing your Alaskan Malamute
Some of these activities are classed as "working dog" activities,
but are also done on a recreational basis, or as a public service.
Some are purely recreational in nature.
Great site.
Working Dogs FAQ
Describes working dogs - sled dogs (among others). In sled dogs, describes Mushing equipment, Skijoring equipment, Weight pulling equipment, Training the musher, Training dogs to pull, Training lead dogs, Training for weight pulling, Training for skijoring
Canine Activities: Agility FAQ
Canine Activities: Camping and Backpacking FAQ
Canine Activities: Obedience Trials FAQ
Service Dogs FAQ
Describes various kinds of service dogs, including guide dogs, signal dogs, therapy dogs, etc.
Malamute History on Hudson's site
Malamute Colors Genetics
This site was created to entertain and educate people
about the wonderful world of owning a Malamute
Alaskan Malamute FAQ
AKC:s Alaskan Malamute Page
The Arctic Breed Obedience Book
Alaskan Malamute Health Home Page
Malamute Face Markings
from Texalmal's Malamania
Malamute Coat Colorings
from Texalmal's Malamania
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
Seppala Siberian Sleddog Project
Malamute Breeders
Cascade Malamutes