Hudson's Malamutes - Policies & Pricing
Payment Methods Accepted
- Cash
- Postal Money Orders
- Bank Transfer
- Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express through PayPal. (Don't have a PayPal account? Don't worry, you don't need a PayPal account to use your credit card)

E-checks do not clear for 4-8 days. Deposits or puppies that need to be shipped within this time will not be shipped or the deposit will not apply until the E-check clears. Contract is automatically signed when using Pay Pal.
No personal checks accepted !!!!
DEPOSITS- A $200 Non-refundable deposit - $500 Non-refundable deposit for purchases over $1500 - Deposit on Malamute/Husky pups will hold the puppy of your choice for 5 days (or until puppy is weaned and ready for shipping) so that health certificates, final payment, shipping and/or pickup arrangements can be arranged.
Pups will not be held until deposit is received unless agreed upon.
After 5 days if pup is not picked up/shipped on the day that was arranged, a boarding and maintenance fee of $8 per day will be added to the sale price and must be paid before the adult or puppy ships/goes to its new home. Or pup can be resold and the deposit will be forfeited unless other arrangements are made. When reserving unborn puppies, the same $200 non-refundable deposit will be required. Occasionally discounts are given for deposits/payments that are received before pup is conceived/born or before eye color can be determined on Husky pups if eye color is not a preference. That deposit will be refunded or applied toward the purchase of another dog or puppy in the event that the desired puppy is not born, or is not available. The deposit will not be refunded for puppies due to cancellations. (Also, a pup will not be held or deposits taken on Huskies if a specific eye color is requested until eye color of that specific pup can be determined at around four weeks of age.) {No Deposits- Only full payment is accepted on pups/adults ready to go. No exceptions!!!} Full payment is required on pups by 5-6 weeks of age unless otherwise agreed. Deposit can-may be forfeited if pup is not paid in full by agreed date.
We do encourage you to come see and pick up your puppy in person. We do understand that not everyone has that option so these shipping options are what we have available below.
Our shipping has doubled in the last few years. Please read the information below as it gives detailed information on how and where the puppies are shipped!
We DO NOT provide kennels or carriers for your puppy This is an extra cost if you request one if we can accommodate or I encourage you to get your own where you reside and have it when picking up the pup.
We now only ship nationwide out of BNA international airport in Nashville, Tennessee via "Flight Nanny".
All shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer, along with any costs for special health requirements.
Total cost for flight nanny shipping is $500 (this is shipping ONE puppy) (Adults or large puppies Malamute Puppies over 25 lbs (10-12 weeks) can not be shipped via flight nanny.
Please see information below for pups/dogs over 25lbs.
Pups are brought via flight nanny to your nearest Major International airport. Not all airports are serviced by Delta so please inquire about your nearest location. Our flight nanny will pick the day they can go so you need to be flexible. Flight nanny will contact you the week the puppy is going to be shipped. You will be contacted by the flight nanny to pick up at the airport when he/she arrives. Pups are shipped on a plane the same as you and I would be. Pups most of the time leave early in the morning and arrive by afternoon or evening. Pups will be with the flight nanny in the cabin of the plane supervised at all times. Please be aware this is very safe as most of my pups are shipped. And this is the least stressful on the puppy so that is why we ship this way now.
Pups are picked up at the airport person to person. If you do not pick up your pup or do not arrive for any reason and the flight nanny has to leave you will be responsible for either picking your pup up in person or re-paying the fee to ship again. And I have been shipping for years this is a very easy process and goes very smoothly. So contrary to what you may hear about shipping puppies it is one of the fastest and safest way to get your puppy.
Please note that flight nanny's are on standby flights. What that means is if the flight is full and they can not get onto the flight they expected, they will have to get a different flight and come at a later time or even come back home and try again usually the next day. Flight nanny's keep in contact with you as they get on flights and where they are. So you need to be flexible with your time the day that is scheduled. But you will be made aware of where they are and when they are expected to arrive. So be vigilant and aware that sometimes plans change.
Please note- BNA is a round trip drive of 145 miles for us and we hire a ground shipper to deliver to the airport, and meet you. There is a $120 fee for this. So if you need a puppy delivered to the airport because your flying in it is $120 for us to hire someone to come to you. We encourage you to come see where your pup lives if you're coming this far. It's only once in 10-15 years. So please make an effort if you can to come to see where your pup lives. This is very important to know where your pup is coming from, lives and how it is taken care of. With any breeder!
Malamute puppies over 12 weeks can no longer be shipped via air. You will need to check with us if it is possible to get a Giant Malamute over 12 weeks to you. As this also could take more time as well as need you to be flexible on where your pup comes.
Dogs over 25lbs or multiple puppies going to the same area may be ground shipped. We have our own shipper that takes only our dogs. We do not like our dogs mixed with others for health reasons. So this is also an option mostly on east coast or mid west. We do have a few other shippers that have multiple dogs at one time but those are the cases of a very large puppy going to the west coast. But we prefer you come in person if you can.
All puppies come with a little food. They have absorbable bedding so they will stay dry, until you get them. Most flights are 5-8 hours so it is faster then if you were to go to sleep for eight hour every night. No matter what it will be a big day for your puppy and just as you can get jet-lag, so can a puppy. So time to sleep is what the pups need to adjust to all the new things in his/her life.
Alaska (Contact for more info)
Hawaii only personal pick up accepted. No shipping.
Canada has changed. We can ship to Canada but pricing will vary per pet. Approximate cost is going to be $1000 -$1200. So if you do not want to incur that cost for shipping into Canada, please make arrangements to pick up in person or to meet a flight nanny at the nearest US airport same as above.
There is a good possibility that puppies will be overnight with the international shipper. There is additional Canadian charge for customs on your side, so remember it is costly to go into Canada. We do suggest pick up on US side and you personally bring the pup over the boarder.
U.S. or Canada Shipping ONLY
The flight nanny that carries your pup loves it and are "dog people" and love the puppies. As they told one of my pup's owners, "we let the puppies out of their crates for a little exercise, and follow around after them cleaning up their piddle". So rest assured that your puppy will always be in good hands.
Canadian airports where shipping allowed
- Calgary
- Edmonton
- Winnipeg
- Toronto
- London
- Montreal
- Vancouver
All Malamute/Husky pups will be limited unless otherwise agreed. Limited means pup will be spayed/neutered and will not be used for breeding EVER.... The puppy will be spayed/neutered before it leaves Hudson's or will be spayed/neutered by the new owner before the puppy is six months of age.
We reserve the right to retain or limit the registry regardless of deposit if we feel the puppy does not meet certain AKC standards.
If the puppy is retained or its registration Limited for any reason after a deposit is made with other agreement, you may receive a full refund of the deposit or you may apply it towards the purchase of another puppy or adult.
It is agreed that ALL pups will be spayed/neutered within five-six months of purchase with limited registry. Unless the pup/dog has a medical reason of why he/she can not be spayed/neutered (written Veterinarian proof required).
We make no guarantee on size-weight-height/color-tint of any pup. We make no guarantees implied or otherwise that any animal sold will gain any type of show title, but that they exhibit certain potential and a possibility of doing so based on our evaluation at the time of the sale. Puppies are shipped at 8 weeks unless other arrangements have been made. Full payment is required by six weeks of age. They will have had all veterinarian recommended vaccines, wormers and heart worm preventions.
There is a one year health guarantee on all pups, with replacement of a pup for congenital malformation or disorders.
Any pup leaving will be healthy to our knowledge and experience and we take every precaution to insure the safety of all of our animals, but because we have no control over the animal once it leaves our kennel, We accept no responsibility for the death or illness of animals which may be brought on by/or as a direct result of shipping or exposure to other animals and environments. All puppies shipped via airline are insured for the trip.
We do guarantee the health of the puppy for 72 hours after purchase and shipment and the pup must be seen by a veterinarian at your expense within the 72 hours after shipment.
If the puppy dies or becomes sick from an illness within the 72 hour guarantee time, we will replace the puppy (see replacement details below) or refund the purchase price less shipping charges.
Adults one year or older are sold on an as-is basis.
This guarantee does not cover well puppy visits, regular vaccines, de-worming, or any other veterinary care or medications.
All veterinary care is the responsibility of the owner.
This Guarantee is made by Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes Kennel to the buyer. The buyer should not assume that any guarantee follows the dog in the event the buyer transfers ownership of the dog to another party, it does not.
After 72 hours if the guarantee applies, no money will be refunded and another "like" (limited to the original purchase price paid) pup will be given in its place.
Any claims as a result of this guarantee must be made within the 72 hour time period, or the 1 year time frame for congenital defects.
Any claims as a result of this guarantee must be accompanied by a veterinary statement and any other documentation required by Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes Kennel.
The decision to replace will be at the sole discretion of Hudson's Huskies & Malamutes Kennel.
In a replacement situation, the pup or adult must be returned to Hudson's Huskies & Malamutes (shipping at the expense of the buyer).
If the buyer elects to keep the pup/dog, no replacement will be issued and the owner shall be considered to have forfeited all claims.
No replacement will be made to any owner who has his/her dog destroyed or makes the dog unavailable for autopsy by a veterinarian acceptable to Hudson's Huskies & Malamutes.
Replacement is limited to the original amount paid for a pup/dog. In the event the owner chooses a dog that is more expensive than the one being replaced, the cash difference must be paid to Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes according to our payment policies above. Shipping costs are always the responsibility of the owner.
All replacements must be made within 90 days.
If the owner chooses not to accept a replacement within the time limit stated above / or refuses to pay the balance of the purchase price, if any, of the selected replacement pup/dog, then the owner shall be considered to have forfeited all claims.
Acceptance of replacement puppy finalizes the guarantee and the owner shall be considered to have forfeited all future claims.
In the event a replacement puppy is unavailable, Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes will extend the replacement time period. The extension may be renewed every 90 days (with a final 6 month limit) by written request (non-email) of the owner. Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes reserves the right to refuse any further extensions if the owner who is due a replacement fails to accept a particular puppy that he/she has requested to be held. If arrangements cannot be made to ship the pup or the owner refuses to pick him/her up by 8 weeks of age, the owner will be responsible for any additional handling fees and charges and the pup can then be sold to a legitimate buyer.
Hip Dysplasia is a malformation of the ball and socket joint of the hip. The problem, not an exclusive canine disorder, exists in most domestic species - including humans. Depending upon the severity of the disease, the dog may or may not become lame. Many affected dogs lead normal lives. This ailment is considered a possible hereditary trait (not scientifically proven to be hereditary) with irregular penetrance, meaning normal parents are capable of producing abnormal offspring. It has also been proven in various recent studies that, to a large degree, environmental factors as well as diet and exercise play a major role in the development of Hip Dysplasia. Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes maintains a breeding program to eliminate Hip Dysplasia as much as humanly possible.
Under no circumstances will any puppy be replaced if complete and detailed records and the puppy itself are made unavailable for Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes' inspection or inspection by someone designated by Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes for that purpose.
Under no circumstance will cash be refunded at any time, nor will a puppy of greater value be given as a replacement.
Your puppy's hips are guaranteed as follows:
This puppy is fully guaranteed against crippling Hip Dysplasia for up to one year. Any puppy found to be severely dysplastic and unable to function as a household pet must be properly diagnosed by at least two veterinarians qualified to properly evaluate Alaskan Malamute/Siberian Husky types of Hip Dysplasia. The dog must be returned to Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes accompanied by complete X-ray, and health records. When these conditions have been met and a puppy of equal value is available, replacement will be made according to the conditions above.
Abuse and/or Neglect:
Any puppy that is abused and/or neglected in the following manner (but not limited to these descriptions) may quickly develop hip problems: kept grossly overweight, or has been kept unchecked for worm infestation, kicked down stairs, kept constantly confined to cold, damp basements, or required to perform extreme physical activities (such as agility jumps or weight pulling) during their 'growth period', children have been allowed to ride/jump/play on dogs back or legs. A dog not socialized, beaten and/or tortured will develop "temperament" problems. These "man-made" problems which are not caused by a hereditary defect are NOT the responsibility of Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes. Hudson's Huskies and Malamutes further reserves the right to examine any questionable conditions pertaining to said puppy's health and welfare at the Owner's expense.
The health guarantee is null and void if the pup/adult in question:
1) has been bred on or before the agreed guarantee time frame on an Unlimited Registration
2) has not been spayed/neutered as agreed in the above contract on a Limited Registration.
3) has been transfered - sold, given away to another owner for any amount of time
Any legal filings by the buyer must be filed in the Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee Jurisdiction and the buyer will be responsible for all legal expenses incurred by Hudson's Huskies & Malamutes in any case filed by the buyer that is ruled in the favor of Hudson's Huskies & Malamutes
Anyone found not acting in accordance with the above contract including but not limited to, refusal to neuter/spay your pet as agreed, abuse or neglect of your pet, abandonment of your pet - agrees to relinquish their pet and loses immediate ownership of the pet obtained at Hudson's Kennel with no further rights to that pet. They also can be sued by Hudson's Kennels for any damages incurred by the lack of the party/parties to remain steadfast to the contract. Hudson's has the right to pursue any and all funds acquired by the party/parties from any unlawful use or use of the pet not in accordance with the contract of their dog/dogs purchased at Hudson's Kennel. Hudson's has the right to pursue any damages incurred to relinquish/obtain the dog including but not limited to spay/neuter, shelter relinquish costs, shipping, food, boarding expenses. Hudson's has the right to pursue all legal expenses incurred by party not acting in accordance with the contract if any case filed is ruled in the favor of Hudson's Kennel.
Anyone accused of abusing, neglecting or abandoning their dog/pup for any reason relinquishes ownership to Hudson's Kennels effective immediately. This includes but is not limited to any dog/dogs that end up in shelters, rescues or in police care for any reason. It is your responsibility to contact Hudson's Kennel at the phone number listed above if your dog is stolen or missing or for any reason your dog is out of your care. If you do not contact Hudson's and your dog is out of your care for more than 72 hours your dog will be considered abandoned and you are relinquished as owner and the pup/dog becomes the property of Hudson's Kennels effective immediately
$400 - $1000
$800 - $5000
All prices are described as Limited/Non-Show/Breeding pups, unless otherwise discussed.
Fee of $100-$5000 for Breeding puppies Only on extremely rare occasions are pups sold for breeding - see Breeder Qualifications
Prices DO NOT include shipping charges & individual pups vary - contact for more information.
Beginning March 1, 2005 Policies And Prices have changed. If the above contract is not signed and returned within one year the contract can be voided.