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Hudson's Malamutes - Past Alaskan Malamute Puppies - Page 49
Send us your Kindergarten & Obedience Graduation photos!!
Casey Black Alaskan Malamute - Full Mask - Star Utana Thumper
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Daulton Black Alaskan Malamute - Full Mask - Star Utana Thumper
Black - Black guard hair with black or dark gray undercoat Full Mask - Combination of cap, goggles, and bar Star - A small white spot in the center of the forehead
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Hi Jolene,
We are so sorry we have not written for awhile. We have attached a couple of picures of Casey and Daulton to show you how well they are doing ( and how much they have grown).
First Daulton- I must say that he is a BIG boy! He just got his shots last month and he topped the scales at 164 pounds! The vet feels that is a bit much for him so we've put him on a 'diet'. We've cut back on his food and subsituted green beans. He loves them! He goes back in about 2 months for his boarding shot so hopefully he'll have dropped some weight. He is so tall and strong but so loving and gentle at the same time. Casey only hit the scales at 107 pounds during the visit. She had to go back last week for something and had already dropped 2 pounds. She doesn't need to drop as much but she loves those green beans.
Both of them are doing so well. They have gotten used to staying inside the house and we've tried again to have them sleep upstairs with us. Well this time around it is working. They have been really good - I don't know if it's the cold temperatures that make them want to stay inside or what. We haven't had any really snow this year or even last year so they have missed out on that. I'm looking forward to more daylight so we can take the dogs for more walks. Getting home after work when it's dark makes it impossible to get them out for a walk.
Otherwise they are doing great and the kids love them too! We'll be sure to keep you updated more frequently.
Michael and Lisa February 3, 2008
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Hi Jolene,
Sorry we have taken so long to get back to you on any updates with the dogs. Things have been busy and with the holidays around the corner, even more so. Here are a couple of good shots of the dogs. They went to the vet in November and Daulton weighed in at 139 lbs and Casey was 103 pounds. Vet said that he won't want Daulton to get any bigger. He is definitely so much taller than Casey. They each have their own personality. We hope things are going well and that you enjoy your holiday. We promise to be better about updating you on the two. Take care.
Michael and Lisa December 12, 2006
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Hi Jolene,
Hope all is going well. Casey and Daulton have been great. They certainly have gotten big. We just took them to the vet and had them weighed. Daulton topped the scales at 122 pounds and Casey was at 103 pounds. Not bad for 10 1/2 months. We're attached some recent pictures of the pups. We'll keep you posted as the summer goes along.
Michael and Lisa July 06, 2006
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Hi Jolene,
Sorry we haven't written for awhile but things have been hectic. Casey and Daulton both graduated from their training class back at the end of February. We learned alot from the sessions and have a good foundation to build on. Even at almost 100 pounds, we're able to walk them pretty easily. They haven't been weighed lately but they'll probably go in next month when we get their heartworm/flea protection. I bet they'll be over 100 pounds. Attached are some updated pictures of the both of them. They're getting used to being in the house with us. We haven't gotten them to sleep in the bedroom through the night yet but we're working on that. We'll keep you posted on their progress and send more pictures. The two of them remind us so much of our other dogs in the way they act. We sometimes say that our old Malamute has come back in Casey. She possesses so many of her old qualities it's quite comforting.
Michael and Lisa March 16, 2006
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Hi Jolene,
Hope all is going well. Attached are some updated pictures of the puppies. They started their classes the beginning of January and it seems to be going well. The two older girls go with us and practice the training exercises with us. They had their surgeries about two weeks ago. That went well. Very odd having two puppies brought back in the late afternoon and not wanting to do anything but lie down. Daulton was up on his feet in no time...Casey took another day or so to get back to normal. They were weighed before the surgery and here's the latest...Daulton was about 87 pounds and Casey was about 78 pounds....and that was less than 6 months old! I can only imagine how big they're going to get. We haven't had any additional snow since the beginning of December so that's the only thing they've been missing out on. Otherwise, they're adjusting well. We'll be in touch soon to let you know the latest.
Michael and Lisa January 30, 2006
Casey & Daulton
Casey & Daulton
Hi Jolene,
Here are some recent photos of the pups. We had our first snow the beginning of Dec and needless to say they loved it. Mike took the two of them out in the bigger section of the yard and they enjoyed themselves along with the girls. Obedience classes start sometime in Jan. The one we decided on allows the two older girls to participate in the training classes which will be good. I tried to take some pictures of them with their 'reindeer ears' but as soon as I put them on they shook them off.
Hope you have a great holiday season and we'll update you again after their first class.
Michael and Lisa December 23, 2005
Daulton & Casey
Hope all is going well. I've attached a few recent photos of the pups...I really can't refer to them as puppies anymore..more like mini giants. We just took them to the vet last week and Daulton topped the scales at 59 pounds and Casey was bringing up the rear with 53 pounds ( and they're only 4 months old! Yikes).
Otherwise they're adjusting well. I must say they are very well tempered. They're excited when we come home but they settle down very quickly. We have even started to let them have access to more of the house ( only when we are around - still don't trust them yet). After the holidays we plan to get them enrolled in their kindergarden/obedience classes.
We'll be in touch.
Michael and Lisa December 03, 2005
Daulton & Casey
We thought we would update you on how our new puppies are doing. We named the male Daulton and the girl Casey. They seem to be adjusting very well. They are certainly attached to one another. We are trying to get them acquainted to the inside by keeping them in the kitchen for a little during the day and to sleep in there at night. They love the outside....especially since it's gotten cooler. They just went to the vet for their second appointment. This time they got shots and now Daulton weighs 24 lbs and Casey 23 lbs. She certainly looked alot bigger than Daulton when we first got them but she is more fluf than anything else. The kids are certainly getting used to them. The little one, ( McKenzie who is 2 1/2) is always asking where is Casey?? Where is Daulton?
We're attached some recent shots of them. We must say that so far Daulton seems to be more laid back and Casey is more of the 'ants in her pants' . She is also the dirtier dog...don't know what she does all day but she is always dirtier and Daulton is as white as can be.
We'll keep you updated as to their progress.
Michael and Lisa October 10, 2005
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or look them up by puppy name
Abby Ace Ah-me Aikido Alpha AnnaBella Bear Apache Apache Nyga Apollo Aspen Aspen Ebony Aspen Isis Athena Atlas Atka Augusta Augustus Baloo Balou Bandit Bandit Beignet Bella Blizzard
Casey Cash Chalali Chinook
Cimarron Cinnabar Clicquot
Cowboy Dakota Dakota Nyga Dakota Cherokee Damnit
Danali (Zawarah) Danali Daulton Diamond Dozer Duke
Fenwick Foxy Grizzley Gumbo Gunner Harley Huan Hunter
Java Icy Jill Jinx Juliette Juneau Juneau R-Tic Juneau Judo Juno Kaskae
Kaydan Kayobi
Keara Jade Kenzi Khali
Kindred Kip Kissa
Kita Koa
Koda (Keva - LA)
Koda (Keva - ME)
Koda (Zawarah)
Kodi Legs
Kodi (Ruby) Kodi (Shahana) Kodi (KuBear) Kodi (Okoee)
Kodiak (Laney) Kodiak (Tawnie) Kodiak (Zawarah) Kozei Kujo
Kulmalla Kury Lacey Lakota Laiya
Leia Leta Lex Logan
Loki Loki Kayobi Maui Maya Meeka Mia Meika
Miki Miko Mikou
Misty Mojo Moses  
Murray Nanuq Nicko Nikko Niko Noel
Odin Oreo Panda Phoenix Promise Raiden Rastus Reba Rebel Riku
Riley Rocky Rukus Sahara Sasha Sasha red Samson
Sebastian Sebastian (Isis)
Serenity Snow Angel Shadow Shila Shiloh Shtiya Shuka Siku
Sitka Sitka (Shinook) Smokey Sophie Spirit Spynx Odin Summer Taku
Talon Blaze Tango Tank Tayen
Tikaani (Tiki) Thor Thor Ruby Thunder Timber Timber (Shinook) Tyko
Ukiah Baby Vito Werther Whilloughby
Willow Yogi Yukon Zeus Zeus Keva Zoey
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