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Wolf Sable Alaskan Malamute - Open Face Wolf Sable - Black or gray guard hairs with a reddish undercoat and red trimmings Open Face - A cap covering the head with no other markings on the face
Dear Jolene
I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and let you know that Griz is as happy as always. My son and I took Griz to the vet today just to see how big Griz has become. I'm including the photo of the vet scale register. Griz now weighs 150.5 pounds. He weighs more than my sixth grader! Also, I'm attaching a few more recent photos of that wonderful dog.
Channing C. Waits December 22, 2007
Dear Jolene
I just wanted to drop you a note about Griz. Griz is even more wonderful than ever! Due to my persistent persuasion, Griz no longer tries to climb my office chair. He still lays his head in my lap. I informed you during my last email that my kids were leaving drawers open and Griz was chewing on things he would take from said drawers. Since then, I discovered that it was Griz himself that was opening the drawers! He still opens the drawers every now and then, but he is choosing not to chew on things. Now that Griz is 2+ years old, he may be starting to calm down. Time will tell.
Now for what I consider some really great news! About one month ago, I had to take Griz to the vet to update his shots. Griz is still very tall and slim, but, even at over two years old, his skin is still ‘slides around’ his body a little. Back to the vet, our previous visit documented Griz’s weight at 130lbs. Griz’s most recent vet visit has documented his weight at just over140lbs! This is Griz’s actual weight per his vet’s scale! Due to Griz’s skin still being loose around his shoulders, I’m hoping he may hit a healthy 145lbs. However, I’m in love with Griz even if was only 60lbs. As a parent, my hope of Griz growing even larger is only the same hope that I have when I know one of my kids will be taking a test. If any of them just don’t make it, it’s still okay with me. I can always hope.
Channing C. Waits April 16, 2007
Merry Christmas Jolene!
I hope this update on Griz finds you and your wonderful Malamutes and Huskies well. I also hope you’re ready for Christmas! For the first time EVER, I’m ready before Christmas Eve!
Griz has learned a few more tricks. He no longer expects a treat whenever he does something he has been trained to do. Now he knows to wait until I tell him, “Okay!”
Griz was just over one year old when he came to our home. He weighed 114 lbs via the vet’s scale a few days later. While I just couldn’t see it since I’m with Griz every day, others in scope of friends kept telling me Griz had gotten bigger! At Griz’s next vet visit, he weighed in at 131 lbs! As of his latest vet visit, Griz was 21 months old. I also just realized that Griz’s shoulders now exceed the height of my old-school desk. Was he supposed to get this big? Please don’t get me wrong, the bigger Griz ends up is great with us! I love having the Best Looking and Largest Dog anyone in my circle of friends have ever seen! Everyone around hear keeps telling me that everything grows bigger in East Tennessee!
Did I say I was finished shopping!?! I just realized that I haven’t gotten Griz or Bert their gifts! I guess I’m just your typical male that waits until the last day!
I’ve attached a few of Griz’s newer photos.
Channing C. Waits December 23, 2006
Good Evening Jolene!
I really enjoyed our phone conversation earlier this evening. I just wanted to send you a few pictures of Griz.
Griz with him Buttercup! That’s our twelve year old Corgi/Burt in the upper left hand corner.
It appears that Buttercup is DOA!
I’ll likely be calling Griz’s previous owner tomorrow if my kids get a possible Snow Day! Thank you, again. I just wanted you to know that Griz has already pierced my heart more than I could have expected so soon! Laura’s acceptance of Griz is undeniable and unprecedented. After chewing up a pair of her shoes and even finding some number two on a nice rug, Laura really accepts and loves Griz! BTW, I am religious student of the martial arts/karate. Griz has attended many classes due our not being able to contain him in our previous fence. He doesn’t appear to enjoy my classes when we are punching the bags or pads. However, when we are wrestling, things get much more quite. While I was practicing some wrestling moves during one class, I got a cold nose stuck in my ear! Griz decided that it was okay to ‘attend’ this part of that class! It was more than funny! My martial arts school is located in the same complex as a Pet Smart outlet. I have been able to take Griz with me during many of my children’s classes. Having nothing better to do, Griz and I check out Pet Smart. Of course, Griz has always been the celebrity due being one of the ‘beautiful people!’
Griz personally means more to myself than I could have ever thought possible; especially so soon after Maddie’s passing. I just hope that I will wake up tomorrow morning with Griz either beside my bed or next to me in the bed!
Channing C. Waits February 08, 2006
Grizzley's Story
Grizzley went to a great home as a pup. He went to obedience school and was a sweet boy. His first mom had cats and didn't correct Grizzley from chasing them. That turned out to be a tragic mistake and she asked that I take back Griz and find a good home for him because she couldn't give up her cats. It was a tough decision for her to make.
Because I take back any puppy of mine, I said yes, of course. The pictures of Griz below are when he was here at Hudson's. A sweeter boy you couldn't find. His first mom did a great job with him (except for letting him chase cats).
I found two homes for him. The first were people I've known for a long time, and they came to Hudson's to see Griz. Their house is a townhouse and turns out Griz was too big for their 2000 square foot home, because of it's layout. "His back end was in the living room when he was in the kitchen".
He's now at his forever home above. A home with cats, and not allowed to chase them. A home with great people who love him.
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