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Hudson's Malamutes - Past Alaskan Malamute Puppies - Page 56
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Red Alaskan Malamute - Full Mask Flame Red Red - A definite shade of red. Either light or dark, with liver lips and nose and light eye color Full Mask - Combination of cap, goggles, and bar
Dear Miss Jolene, letter from Atka's "brother" Loki
Hello! It's been some tince since you've heard from us, and a lot of
exciting things have happened at our home during that time. Atka and I are
doing fine, and have managed to survive another hot summer in Arizona.
(which is soooooooo difficult when you sleep all day in front of a fan on
the tile floor --Brian) Atka's gotten a little chubby, she weighed 126
pounds when we went in for our checkups 3 weeks ago. The vet wasn't
concerned at all though, she's not really flabby, but very stocky, and
still growing! Our human mom is a little concerned though, she thinks
Atka's getting fat. I'm trying to help her out by eating part of her food
when it's dinner time, but Atka's a sneaky little girl, she'll get me
distracted and playing games with her, then run back in the house and
steal the rest of my food while I'm relaxing in the yard! It all ends
up a wash. I was 115 pounds at the checkup. My people forgot to measure
our height though, I'll remind them to do it next time we go in.
My people got a new little person too. My human mom and dad went away for
a couple of days and when they came home they had a little human puppy
with them. It's been very exciting since he came home. There are new
smells, new things to steal, and a brand new person to love and protect.
Atka and I take shifts, though at first I had to remind her that I was
supposed to get a turn too and out people had to bonk us a couple of
times. We got it all sorted out though. He sleeps a lot, so he fits right
in with us, but boy when he's awake he sure makes a lot of noise! I think
it's because they put him in that wierd kennel at night and he can't relax
on the nice tile like Atka and I get to do. Oh well, I remember the nights
I used to spend in my kennel too, he'll probably get to sleep with us once
he gets past his "eating everything in the house during the night" phase.
(Our newest "puppy", Liam, was born 9/30/07. Mom and Liam are doing well,
though having a baby in the house again is proving to be a big adjustment
for us all. We wouldn't trade it for the world though. --Brian)
Atka and I have been out walking and annoying the neighborhood cats and
rabbits. We haven't managed to catch any of either flavor yet, but I think
it's our responsibility as dogs to keep them in top form by chasing them
any chance we get. And who knows, some day we might actually catch one,
and wouldn't that be fun! Well, *I* might catch one, Atka's not so good on
the sharp cornering skills, she needs some practice to keep up with then
when they zig-zag. I think I'll ask my human dad to take a movie of it
and send it to you. It's pretty funny to watch.
I guess that's about it. My people dad is sending a couple of pictures of
us with the new puppy, and one of us having a blast with a box one
Hope all's well and please say hi to everyone for me!
Love, Loki April 17, 2007
Atka & Loki
Hi Jolene,
Some updated pictures of the puppies. I got them up and on the scale at the house the other day and they both weigh 114 pounds. Loki's taller, but Atka's wider :) Little miss thing's been in the dog house recently with mom, she keeps stealing laundry from the laundry hamper and then taking it out back and getting Loki to play tug'o'war with whatever she's filched. We've been keeping the doors to the laundry room shut, but all it takes is one mistake and she's off to the races.
We took them up to play in the snow in January. Loki dove right in and had a ball, but Atka wasn't so sure what to make of it. It took her about an hour to make up her mind that it was ok, then she was off. She's not as big on water and snow as Loki is. He takes every opportunity he can to get wet, she's more proned to play in the mud left over, but only after the water's gone.
They've taken to lounging on an old table we have set up out back
That's about it for us. Hope all is well at the kennel. :)
Brian April 17, 2007
Atka & Loki
Atka & Loki
Hi Jolene,
Atka went for a checkup yesterday. 97.5 pounds on the vet scale and still
growing. I figured she'd top out around there, but now I'm not so sure since
she's only 8 mos and still has a lot of growing left to do. She's stil the
favorite dog in the practice, all the vets and vet techs always seem to
wader in to the examining room when she's there to say hi. SHe's such a
gentle and easygoig dog, they all just love her to death.
All in all, I think they've adjusted well to each other. At first we had to
keep Loki pretty tightly controlled so he wouldn't hurt her accidentally,
but now they start trouble with each other more or less equally. Atka's more
nimble than Loki is, so her favorite tactic is to get him to chase her, and
then cut out from in front of things and watch him run into them because he
can't slow down. you can tell she's just sitting there laughing her tail off
every time too. We had a folding table set up out in the yard for a bit, and
she used to sit up on top of it and watch our tortoises in their play pool.
Then when Loki'd come by, she'd crouch down and leap off the table on top of
him. Loki, in turn, will splash water on her (she HATES getting wet unless
it's HER decision to get wet) or push her into things, or sneak up on her
and lay down and roll over her when he wants her to play. They're pretty
funny to watch.
Brian October 21, 2006
Dear Miss Jolene,
Hi! The big dog at my new house called Loki says I should write to my mommy
(Ruby). Could you let her know that I made it safe and sound, and that I
miss her lots. I'm finally here in the place called Arizona. The trip was
long with lots of strange smells and sounds. My new mom was so excited to
see me she was driving the guys in the cargo hanger nuts. At first there was
lots of new peoples and dogs. The big dog Loki (you know, the one who said
I should write) was afraid of me. But I think I was more afraid of him.
Every time I jumped he'd jump too. He's pretty nice though. A little over
protective... okay a lot! He told me my name is Atka. I think I'll have to
think on that one. (She is taking a little more time to respond to her
name --mom). We played for awhile that night until I fell asleep on the
The next morning was alot of fun. Loki was waiting for me to come out and
play. He sat right by my crate all night. Every time I howled so did he. We
are thinking about starting a choir hehehe. I went to see Dr. Cromer and
everyone there said I was the cutest puppy in the pratice. Even his wife
Dr. Clack who is also a vet with her own practice took a picture with me.
She said if she couldn't take me home that a picture was the next best
thing. Loki got a chew stick and was not in any mood to share so I left him
alone. Besides everyone kept coming out to tell me how beautiful I am.
The rest of the day was spent playing with Loki. I've come to the
conclusion he's a BIG pain! I can't even get up and walk into the next room
without him walking all over me. Ahhh! My new mom has to put me back in
that box when I want to sleep because Loki just keeps bugging me. I've
learned that I talk alot more than Loki. He hardly makes a sound, it must
be a girl thing. I now know when I bark (yep she barks actually quite a
bit --mom) and growl at him he is the one who gets in trouble. I hope my new
humans don't catch on (sorry been there done that --mom). I still haven't
really met my humans. I see them all over. They like to watch loki and I
play. The problem has been Loki kind of takes up all of my time. Last night
was a good night my new human dad took loki for a walk and I got to spend
some time with what they call the boys. They are a lot of fun. They like to
let me run. The big one plays tug of war with me and the little one lets me
crawl all over him.
Wed. was a grow day for me, all I wanted to do was sleep, but of course Loki
wouldn't let me. Mom gave me a new crate, a really big one. I let her know
that any crate was not going to work. I was born to be free, Or I'll cry
and cry and cry. (which of course gets loki crying and you know the
story --mom). So when my big boy had to go to symphony pratice my humans
took me along and didn't bring Loki. There was a huge green field for me to
run around in with the litte boy that was left but all I wanted to do was
sleep. I crawled up onto my new dads lap and found a comfortable spot to lay
down. I slept the whole time we were there (for 2 hrs --mom.) It was great!
Dad petted me and loved me the whole time. I really haven't spent any time
with him he told me he was last in line (the order according to Brian is
Loki, Kaleb, Zach, mom, and then dad. and so far the only person to really
get to know her has been loki. You can't tell we are all a little
jelous --mom).
Today was intresting. I got to meet Dustmop. loki calls her the dog that
live upstairs. She's really grumpy. Loki is a great big brother though he
would destract the end with the teeth so I could get close enough to smell
her. He tells me as long as I keep away from her I'll be okay. He says
she's not really big on playing anyways. She doesn't sound like a whole lot
of fun. But maybe she'll lighten up with another girl around. Well I think
it's time for a nap. I'm vary sleepy again today. Tell everyone there I
miss them.
Atka March 31, 2006/i>