Hey Jolene,
Hope all is well with you and your son. The new place looks great. Anyway- I thought I would send you a few pictures of Lakota at 15 months. He's about 30 inches at the shoulder and about 120 lbs. He actually reminds me (from your pictures on your site) of the grandfather Rebel. He's gone through puppy classes and intermediate training and did quite well. He is very smart, very alert , VERY strong and not a mean bone in his body. He is just enthusiastic and playful. He's was pretty tough at the 6-9 month phase -for me not him (when he stands he is as tall as I am and has a longer reach) but with patience, firm guidelines ( no- you can't run up behind me and knock me down for fun) and repetition we are now getting into a mellower phase. Oh- and do you know that to this day he stops what he is doing and looks up if a plane passes over head. He hangs out in his kennel next to the horse for company then- we train and run around the horse corrals do some agility work and then he sleeps through the night next to my bed. I'm luvin him.
Be well,
LindaJuly 20, 2007