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Hudson's Malamutes - Past Alaskan Malamute Puppies - Page 74
Send us your Kindergarten & Obedience Graduation photos!!
Chalali Wolf Gray Alaskan Malamute - Eye Shadow
Wolf Gray - Gray guard hairs with light gray, cream or white undercoat. Some black hairs on the topline.
Eye Shadow - Dark markings under the eyes which do not extend out to the cap.
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Shiloh Black Alaskan Malamute - Full Mask - Star
Black - Black guard hair with black or dark gray undercoat
Full Mask - Combination of cap, goggles, and bar.
Star - A small white spot in the center of the forehead
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Hello Jolene,
Snow Babies
Juli and Paul December 19, 2009
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Hello Jolene,
How are you and your family and all the "kids"??? I hope you are all doing well. I was just glancing at your website (it's been a LONG time since I checked it out) and noticed that Shinook has passed :( The news made me cry!!! When I think of all of Chalali's shenanigans, I can't help but remember you telling me that she's her mother's child for sure. So what happened??
On a positive note, our furries are doing great. Chalali has finally quit growing (we think) and weighs in at 165 lbs. She's still a handful, but she's mellowing out. She's my smart girl....when she chooses to listen. She is such a sweetie and everyone absolutely loves her. Shiloh is as silly as can be....still. He's not nearly as bright, but he's my momma's boy. And they both are as healthy, happy, and as gorgeous as ever. Chalali still bosses Shiloh ...AND tries to steal his food, bones, etc. We're working on that because Shiloh is starting to fight back and we getting tired of prying them apart when they fight. Other than those incidents, they get on wonderfully and play/wrestle CONSTANTLY. We pray the floor never gives out in our house!
Ooops! The halloween picture is from last year. Will have to send you the one from this year......once I load it on this machine. And one other funny thing I forgot to mention......
Both Chalali and Shiloh now sing/howl at the fire engines and ambulances. Every time. No matter where we are (in the car, walking down the street...even when they're on the deck and they hear them go by). Not sure if the neighbors find it amusing, but we kill ourselves laughing. We don't let them hear us, though, because they get embarrassed...haha!
Congrats on the news article, by the way. As I said before, I always drop your name when people ask about the dogs. I can't say enough great things about what you do.
Here are the Halloween photos from this year (Shiloh was a soccer player again, but we finally found a costume to fit Chalali - she was a hula girl......check out her coconut bra :) ). I've never seen a dog that loves to wear costumes as much as Chalali. We put hats on her and all sorts and she holds her head high and her tail goes way up. Proud as a peacock. And she makes us chase her when it's time to take the stuff off! Hilarious.
Take care and HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Jolene!!
Juli and Paul December 16, 2009
Hello Jolene,
How are you? How is your family and all the furries???
It's been quite a while since I last wrote so I thought I would drop you a line and send a few photos. The "kids" are doing great!!!
Chalali is starting to chill out and isn't quite as mischievous .....maybe because Shiloh wears her out. She is still a handful at times.....still tests me every now and again. But that's part of her charm. We just love her so much. Shiloh is getting BIG! Just turned a year in Nov and he is creeping up on 120 pounds. He's still got a ways to go to catch up to his half sister, but I'm pretty sure he'll beat her 150 lbs. Walking them both together is an adventure sometimes......they are so strong. Shiloh is definitely the love bug that I was hoping for. He's so silly and full of personality.....and loves to be cuddled and babied. And he's is our big kisser, that's for sure. They really do compliment each other well.....
Anyway, there's not much to share except they both love to run and play together and WRESTLE (inside and out). About half the time they play nicely and the other half they fuss at each other over stuff....toys, bones, food, and even over Paul and I!! As siblings do, I guess. They still go to dog day care every now and again, which they LOVE. And both of them are crazy about the dog park and swimming .....we're planning another trip to the lake house we go to for this spring. It's great to be able to vacation with them.
By the way, the compliments never end over how beautiful and well behaved they are (they're good fakers!). And we try hard not to brag about them too much since we think they're the most wonderful animals on the planet. We really are so happy and feel blessed that they're a part of our family. We always mention your name and website when people ask about them.
Here are some photos......we really need to take some more recent ones!!
Hope all is well with you and yours!
Talk to you soon,
Juli and Paul January 11, 2009
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Chalali & Shiloh
Hello Jolene,
So sorry for not writing for so long, Jolene. I hope this email finds you and your family well. Chalali and Shiloh are doing great and we just love them both more and more each day. Shiloh is the ying to Chalali's yang......Chalali is so much more MELLOW now! She's great with Shiloh......she's the mommy, the big sister, and his playmate. And Shiloh is my little love bug. He's so silly and fun and LOVES to give me kisses . We couldn't be happier with our furry babies. Anyway, I'll try to keep you updated more frequently....we're planning to take Shiloh for his first swim soon. Will let you know how that goes :)
Here are a bunch of photos....
Juli May 08, 2008
Chalali - Shiloh
Chalali - Shiloh
Chalali - Shiloh
Chalali - Shiloh
Chalali - Shiloh
Chalali - Shiloh
Hello Jolene,
Shiloh :) He's so much fun....even though Chalali makes it tough to play with him. She's constantlly bullying him, pulling at his legs, pushing him....so he can't get to us. Any suggestions?
Other than that, everything is going really well. We couldn't be happier with him!!
How's everything going with you?
Juli February 19, 2008
Hello Jolene,
We adopted Chalali from you last year (she came from the Legand/Shinook litter in August). It's been a good while ...I hope this email finds you and your family well.
Just a quick update on Chalali....
She's grown into a 115 lb princess that loves everyone. She's sweet and silly and mischevious .....sometimes all at once! We laugh because she's probably one of the nosiest dogs we've ever seen. Always has to check EVERYTHING out. She's a water baby - - we take her swimming and hiking all the time. When she paddles, she looks like a little old lady that doesn't want to get her hair wet. Which is so not true because she spends a good bit of time dipping her face in and blowing bubbles. Not to mention her love of sprinklers... She loves to play with us and with her doggie friends....but recently we moved from our townhouse to a house with a yard for her to play. While she loves the bigger house and yard, we think she misses her neighborhood pals :-( She goes to doggie day care a few times a! week and loves it. The day care owner says that Chalali is a good girl and is impressed with her training, but says that Chalali wears the other dogs out!!
Lately we've been thinking a lot about adopting another puppy from you. I know Chalali would love having a playmate and now we have the space for two. We really are interested in a male this time, but are open to a female. Chalali doesn't seem to discriminate at all. She just loves to run and chase and wrestle whoever will play with her.
At the moment, we are still getting settled in but would like to know when you expect your next litter of puppies? Close to Christmas would be ideal for us, but I suspect we'll should be settled and ready to bring a little one home before then....
Take care and hope to talk to you again soon,
Juli August 20, 2007
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or look them up by puppy name
Abby Ace Ah-me Aikido Alpha AnnaBella Bear Apache Apache Nyga Apollo Aspen Aspen Ebony Aspen Isis Athena Atlas Atka Augusta Augustus Baloo Balou Bandit Bandit Beignet Bella Blizzard
Casey Cash Chalali Chinook
Cimarron Cinnabar Clicquot
Cowboy Dakota Dakota Nyga Dakota Cherokee Damnit
Danali (Zawarah) Danali Daulton Diamond Dozer Duke
Fenwick Foxy Grizzley Gumbo Gunner Harley Huan Hunter
Java Icy Jill Jinx Juliette Juneau Juneau R-Tic Juneau Judo Juno Kaskae
Kaydan Kayobi
Keara Jade Kenzi Khali
Kindred Kip Kissa
Kita Koa
Koda (Keva - LA)
Koda (Keva - ME)
Koda (Zawarah)
Kodi Legs
Kodi (Ruby) Kodi (Shahana) Kodi (KuBear) Kodi (Okoee)
Kodiak (Laney) Kodiak (Tawnie) Kodiak (Zawarah) Kozei Kujo
Kulmalla Kury Lacey Lakota Laiya
Leia Leta Lex Logan
Loki Loki Kayobi Maui Maya Meeka Mia Meika
Miki Miko Mikou
Misty Mojo Moses  
Murray Nanuq Nicko Nikko Niko Noel
Odin Oreo Panda Phoenix Promise Raiden Rastus Reba Rebel Riku
Riley Rocky Rukus Sahara Sasha Sasha red Samson
Sebastian Sebastian (Isis)
Serenity Snow Angel Shadow Shila Shiloh Shtiya Shuka Siku
Sitka Sitka (Shinook) Smokey Sophie Spirit Spynx Odin Summer Taku
Talon Blaze Tango Tank Tayen
Tikaani (Tiki) Thor Thor Ruby Thunder Timber Timber (Shinook) Tyko
Ukiah Baby Vito Werther Whilloughby
Willow Yogi Yukon Zeus Zeus Keva Zoey
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