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Hudson's Malamutes - Past Alaskan Malamute Puppies - Page 8
Send us your Kindergarten & Obedience Graduation photos!!
Odin Wolf Sable Alaskan Malamute - Bar - Eye Shadow - Blaze Wolf Sable - Black or gray guard hairs with a reddish undercoat and red trimmings. Bar - A dark area extending from the center point of the cap down the nose Eye Shadow - Dark markings under the eyes which do not extend out to the cap. Blaze - A white mark extending from the center point of the cap back up the forehead. Width and length can vary.
Odin and Sebastian are litter mates sons of Thumper and Shinook. They can both be seen in their Puppy Kindergarten pictures on Page 3 and Sebastian is on Page 1
Odin is a non-littermate sibling of Athena & Thor and Panda andLaiya and Timber
Odin is a housemate of Raiden
Some updated Odin photos! He weighs in at 130 lbs.
Jaime and Cary August 2009
And of course it's Sebastian and Odin's birthday today. Can you believe they're 3??!?!? Time has flown! And Raiden will be turning the BIG ONE in 2 weeks :o)
I've attached some random pics for you - the newest ones were taken a few weeks back. I've been so bad about updating their pics.....
Raiden looks almost as big as Odin and I'm thinking he weighs about 105-110lbs (the last time we weighed him was about a month ago and he was 102lbs). His ears have gone up mostly but he still has a tiny bit of that lop-sided flop, which makes him look like the biggest goofball. And his eyes...hahha..he has the most dopey-looking eyes. People always ask if Raiden's as goofy as he looks and yes, he sure is! But as cheeky and playful as he is, he is also really loving and loves to follow us around the house. Odin, on the other hand, enjoys his quiet time alone from everyone.
Jaime and Cary May 14, 2007
Our two rascal boys have been doing great!! Odin has really grown to accept Raiden and are getting along like a house on fire! Always causing a raucous whenever they play together.
Jaime and Cary November 16, 2006
Odin's 2nd birthday |
Updates of Odin and his new brother, Raiden
Jaime and Cary July 31, 2006
As promised, here are some pics of Odin. These are the only two I have
at work so I'll get the other ones to you next time.
Jaime and Cary January 12, 2006

Odin 16 months old 125 lbs.
 Odin and best friend Timber
We took him to get weighed 2
days ago since we've noticed that he's grown taller and his legs are getting
thicker. We presumed he had put on 2 or 3 lbs and figured he would stay at
around 117-120lbs but he weighed in at almost 125lbs. Both Sebastian and
Odin will be 16 months tomorrow! How time flies....
Well I finally had some time yesterday to get some new pics of Odin. There's
also one in there with Odin and best friend Timber tugging on a stick. They
are both very close in age (just days apart) and they are fantastic
Yesterday after work, we took Odin in for his vaccinations. The big bubba
got 4 shots and he didn't feel a thing. Our vet adores him to death and Odin
loves her just as much. He kept trying to shake his paw with her and ended
up putting it right up to her face and poor Dr. Brough got a mouthful of
fur!! hahahah...
Jaime and Cary September 15, 2005

Odin's 1 year birthday approx. 120 lbs.
 with Jen & Vanessa
People that we haven't seen in awhile say he's lost his puppy fat and gained muscle. Cary and I don't really see the change but he did gain weight lately after dropping a few pounds and staying at a constant weight for about 3 months
I told you about Odin's treat-on-the-nose trick. He's an expert at it now and he has an excellent toss & catch rate :) He balances the treat on his nose and tosses and grabs it so fast, the treat barely gets air-time. We've noticed lately that he's alot more obedient and
when he does something wrong and gets told off, he'll put his ears down, look down on the floor and try to hide his head between our legs. All this, while making a sooky face!!! It's the cutest sad face and my mother-in-law cracked up so hard when she saw him do it for the first time.
He loves when we go for his daily off-leash play/walk at Fort Funston park. It's ALWAYS cold there since it's high up on a cliffside and right by the ocean. His favorite thing to do (besides playing with his buddies and finding sticks) is to stalk critters. It's so funny seeing him slowly and quietly moving towards gopher holes and sometimes he even points. He never catches anything (thank goodness) but he does try to pounce...hahah...
Jaime and Cary July 26, 2005
He's fantastic with all the dogs he meets and with kids. I've attached a couple of cute pics of Odin and Damien (a 2 year old boy Cary's mom babysits everyday). And right this moment, he's playing with Cary's 5 year old god-daughter. She's blowing bubbles and he's trying to catch them :) Odin is 107 lbs.
Jaime and Cary April 01, 2005
Odin & Carey
We took Odin up near Tahoe over the weekend and he had the time of his life
romping in the snow for the first time.
Jaime and Cary February 24 2005


February 2005
92 lbs.

 killed fishie
November 2004

November 2004

October 2004
Hi Jolene,
It's been awhile since I gave you updates on Odin so I thought I'd better do this now while I have some spare time :)
Odin has been keeping Cary and myself very busy but it's been so much fun.
We really can't imagine our lives without him and even my mother-in-law is
smitten with him. He's getting bigger and bigger everyday and now weighs
70lbs. But as big as he is, Odin is really gentle with smaller dogs, LOVES
other dogs and people and gets along fantastically with kids. You have done
a wonderful job of breeding dogs with wonderful temperaments. People that
meet him always say he's so mellow for a puppy. So all the thanks go to
you Jolene!
We're still taking him to advanced dog classes and he's one of the favorites
to both the trainers and the staff at Petsmart. Everybody there knows him by
name and he's always showered with hugs and biscuits. SPOILT ROTTEN!!!! :)
The advanced classes have been so much fun but also alot of hard work. We
were always so amazed when we saw other dogs at the parks off-leash so we
were determined to teach Odin that. At first we were worried about letting
him go off-leash but we've been practicing with him the past couple of
months and we're proud to say that he's been doing really well. He loves
playing chase with our 8 and 5 year old cousins and his favorite new game
is hide and seek at the park.
Well I've attached some pictures of Odin for you. I've chosen some
of our favorite ones from when he was smaller to now so you can see his
~ Jamie November 18, 2004
 wink October 2004
 blanket killer October 2004

August 2004

September 2004
Hi Jolene,
How are you doing? You must be really busy with all the new litters that I
see on your website!! They all look so gorgeous!!
Well, Cary and I would just like to give you an update on Odin (Shinook &
Thumper's gray/white male from May 14, 2004). Odin is doing great....17
weeks and weighing about 40lbs. He graduated from puppy school 2 weeks ago
and in fact just started advance classes today. He's doing quite well and
once again, the youngest one in his class.
He's starting to assert his independence and sometimes gets out of hand
but all in all, he's a wonderful puppy that gets attention from everyone we
meet. They all think he's an absolute angel because he loves people, kids
and other dogs. He's a real social butterfly and HAS to stop and greet
everyone and everything in his path.
I've attached some recent pictures of Odin and us
Thanks again Jolene
Cary & Jamie September 12, 2004
Odin's puppy pictures at Hudson's |
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or look them up by puppy name
Abby Ace Ah-me Aikido Alpha AnnaBella Bear Apache Apache Nyga Apollo Aspen Aspen Ebony Aspen Isis Athena Atlas Atka Augusta Augustus Baloo Balou Bandit Bandit Beignet Bella Blizzard
Casey Cash Chalali Chinook
Cimarron Cinnabar Clicquot
Cowboy Dakota Dakota Nyga Dakota Cherokee Damnit
Danali (Zawarah) Danali Daulton Diamond Dozer Duke
Fenwick Foxy Grizzley Gumbo Gunner Harley Huan Hunter
Java Icy Jill Jinx Juliette Juneau Juneau R-Tic Juneau Judo Juno Kaskae
Kaydan Kayobi
Keara Jade Kenzi Khali
Kindred Kip Kissa
Kita Koa
Koda (Keva - LA)
Koda (Keva - ME)
Koda (Zawarah)
Kodi Legs
Kodi (Ruby) Kodi (Shahana) Kodi (KuBear) Kodi (Okoee)
Kodiak (Laney) Kodiak (Tawnie) Kodiak (Zawarah) Kozei Kujo
Kulmalla Kury Lacey Lakota Laiya
Leia Leta Lex Logan
Loki Loki Kayobi Maui Maya Meeka Mia Meika
Miki Miko Mikou
Misty Mojo Moses  
Murray Nanuq Nicko Nikko Niko Noel
Odin Oreo Panda Phoenix Promise Raiden Rastus Reba Rebel Riku
Riley Rocky Rukus Sahara Sasha Sasha red Samson
Sebastian Sebastian (Isis)
Serenity Snow Angel Shadow Shila Shiloh Shtiya Shuka Siku
Sitka Sitka (Shinook) Smokey Sophie Spirit Spynx Odin Summer Taku
Talon Blaze Tango Tank Tayen
Tikaani (Tiki) Thor Thor Ruby Thunder Timber Timber (Shinook) Tyko
Ukiah Baby Vito Werther Whilloughby
Willow Yogi Yukon Zeus Zeus Keva Zoey
Puppy Kindergarten Graduate Photos Basic Obedience Graduate Photos